Brasilware Module Development Guide

This document provides detailed instructions for creating custom modules for the Brasilware platform.

What are Brasilware Modules?

Brasilware modules are independent HTML components that can be loaded onto the platform to add specific malware analysis functionalities.

Basic Structure of a Module

A Brasilware module is essentially an HTML file containing all the necessary code for its functionality.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Module</title>
        console.log("Module loaded!");
    <h1>My Brasilware Module</h1>

Best Practices for Module Development



User Interface

Example Modules

Module Debugging

Submitting Your Module to the Community

  1. Host your module in a public GitHub repository.
  2. Clearly document its functionality.
  3. Provide examples and use cases.
  4. Submit the link to our GitHub

FAQ for Module Developers

How can I access system files?

You can access files using all possible means as if you were using a normal HTML file, but isolated in an iframe. Choose your methods carefully and use CDN libraries securely with the sandbox allow script.

Can I use external libraries?

Yes, it is recommended to include them via trusted CDNs and specify exact versions.

How do I make API calls to external services?

Use fetch or XMLHttpRequest, respecting CORS policy.

Additional Resources