Welcome to Brazilware's user manual, an advanced malware analysis platform with modular and efficient tools. This guide will provide all possible information to make the most of the platform functionality.
- Introduction
- First steps
- user interface
- module management
- Fusion of reports
- Integration with AI
- Settings
- Problem solution
Brasilware is a complete platform for malware analysis, designed to help cyber security professionals identify, analyze and document threats efficiently. A platform has a modular architecture that allows us to expand its functionality as needed.
What you can do with Brazilware:
- Install and execute specialized analysis modules
- Combine multiple reports in a single document
- Governing reports with AI analysis
- Customize the interface according to your preferences
First Steps
System Requirements
To use Brazilware, you need:
- Modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Updated Safari)
- Internet connection
Access to the Platform
Access the installation URL
Enter the address provided by the administrator on your browser (for example, http: // your-domain: 5000 code>).
Explore the interface
When accessing Brazilware, you will see the homepage with a summary of the available features.
User Interface
The interface of Brazilware is divided into several main components:
Navigation Bar
located at the top of the screen, allows you to access the main highlights of the platform:
- Home : main page with functionality summary
- Modules : Management and execution of modules
- Fuse reports : PDF document combination tool
- Settings : Platform Personalization
Main Content Area
Occupy most of the screen and display the contents of the currently selected section.
Contains information about the version of Brazilware and useful links.
Module Management
Modules are fundamental components of Brasilware that adds specificities to the platform.
Installation of modules
Access the module page
Click "Modules" on the navigation bar.
Click on the "Module Page"
This will open the installation form.
Fill in the information
Enter the name and description of the module.
Select the installation method
Choose between uploading a file or specifying a URL.
- File : Click "Select File" and choose the module HTML file.
- URL : Enter the full module url.
Click on "Install Module"
Wait until the module is successfully installed.
Module Execution
To execute a module installed:
- Access the "Modules" section
- Locate the desired module on the list of installed modules
- Click the "Run" button
- The module will open in a sandbox and you can interact with your interface
Module Removal
To remove a module:
- Access the "Modules" section
- Locate the module on the list of installed modules
- Click the "Remove" button
- Confirm removal in the confirmation dialog box
Reporting functionality allows you to combine multiple PDF documents in a single file.
How to merge PDFS
Access the melting section
Click "Reports Fusion" on the navigation bar.
Add the PDFs
Click the "Add PDFS" button and select the files you want to match. You can select multiple files at once.
Organize PDFS
Use the up and down arrow buttons to rearrange the PDF order as needed.
Fusion Start
Click the "Fus Steeved PDFs" button to start the melting process.
Download the result
After completion, click "Download PDF" to save the combined file.
Message History
All mixed PDFs appear earlier in the "Message History" section at the bottom of the page. You can:
- Download a previously mixed PDF
- Regenerate PDF with AI (Request API Setup)
- Remove PDFs that are no longer needed
Integration with AI
Brazilware offers advanced malware analysis features through artificial intelligence technology.
To use AI functionality, you must configure a valid API key in the system settings.
API configuration
- Access the "Settings" section
- Roll to the "API Settings" section
- Enter your API key into the corresponding field
- Click "Save" to apply the changes
Reporyization of reports with AI
To regenerate a report using AI:
- Go to the "Reports Fusion" section
- Locate the desired PDF in the history of mixing
- Click the "Regenerate with AI"
- Select the desired language for the regenerated report
- Click "Regenerate Report"
- Wait for the completion of the process
- Download the new report enhanced by AI
A Settings Section allows you to customize various aspects of the Brasilware platform.
Brazilware offers light and dark theme. To change it:
- Access the "Settings" section
- In the "Theme" section, select the desired mode (light or dark)
- Changes are applied immediately
A platform with multiple languages support. To change the interface language:
- Access the "Settings" section
- In the "Language" section, select the desired language from the Suspended Menu (Portuguese, English or Spanish)
- It saves automatically and changes
To configure integration with AI:
- Access the "Settings" section
- Roll to the "API Settings" section
- Enter your API key into the corresponding field
- Click "Save" to apply the changes
Theme | Visual appearance of the platform | Light, dark |
Language | user interface language | Portuguese (PT-BR), English (EN-UUS), Spanish (ES-ES) |
API Key | Key for integration with AI services | Text (specific format of the OpenAi API) |
Common problems and solutions
Module does not carry
Solution: Check that the module is in valid HTML format. Try to reinstall the module or load from a different source.
Solution: Make sure all selected PDFs still exist in the system. Make sure the files are not corrupted and try again.
Error in regeneration with AI
Solution: Check that the API key has been defined correctly in the settings. -The key has sufficient balance and adequate permissions.
The interface does not respond
Solution: Update a page or clean the browser cache. If the problem persists, restart the browser or server.
Technical Support
If you find problems that cannot solve, contact technical support:
Troubleshooting Tip:
When reporting a problem, including the following information:
- Version of Brazilware
- Browser and version used
- Detailed description of the problem
- Steps to reproduce the problem
- Screen Captures, if possible